Product Highlights


Milk Soybeans Sesame

Honey Sriracha glazed chicken

Succulent chicken thighs marinated in honey and fiery sriracha, then perfectly grilled to perfection. Served alongside fragrant Basmati rice, and crisp vegetables. Our signature creation, this velvety-smooth sauce is a tantalizing blend of exotic Asian spices and creamy indulgence.


{"sku":"59-REG","label":"Regular","price":"13.99","image":"","price_type":"quantity_based","checked":"regular","checked2":"regular","option_checked":["regular","lean"],"allergens":"Soybeans|||Milk|||Sesame","ingredients":"","ingamounts":"","ingramounts":"","ingshows":"","ingredients_desc":"Succulent chicken thighs marinated in honey and fiery sriracha, then perfectly grilled to perfection. Served alongside fragrant Basmati rice, and crisp vegetables. Our signature creation, this velvety-smooth sauce is a tantalizing blend of exotic Asian spices and creamy indulgence.","calories":"600","protein":"48","carbs":"61","fat":"17","fiber":"4","sugar":"12"} {"sku":"59-LEA","label":"Lean","price":"10.99","image":"","price_type":"quantity_based","checked":"regular","checked2":"lean","option_checked":["regular","lean"],"allergens":"Soybeans|||Milk|||Sesame","ingredients":"","ingamounts":"","ingramounts":"","ingshows":"","ingredients_desc":"Succulent chicken thighs marinated in honey and fiery sriracha, then perfectly grilled to perfection. Served alongside fragrant Basmati rice, and crisp vegetables. Our signature creation, this velvety-smooth sauce is a tantalizing blend of exotic Asian spices and creamy indulgence.","calories":"440","protein":"34","carbs":"45","fat":"13","fiber":"3","sugar":"10"}

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Product Highlights


Milk Soybeans Sesame

Nutrition Facts



0g 0%


0g 0%


0g 0%


  • Calories0
  • Protein0g
  • Carbs0g
  • Fat0g
  • Sugar0g
  • Fiber0g
  • Sodium0g


Chicken Thigh | Red Pepper | Red Onion | Rice Basmati | Broccoli | Zucchini | Greek Yogurt | Sour Cream | Cornstarch |  | Gluten Free Soy Sauce  | Canola Oil | Honey | Fresh Ginger Root | Stevia | Sriracha Sauce | Fresh Garlic | Sesame Seed Oil | Smoked Paprika

How to prepare

microwave image

Microwave 2.5-3 minutes at 50% power

oven image

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