
Milk Eggs

Ground Sirloin Meatballs

Succulent sirloin meatballs, crafted from premium ground sirloin, nestled atop a velvety bed of whipped russet potato mash, and accented with vibrant green beans, steamed to crisp-tender perfection, this dish is a celebration of both taste and texture, it’s finished with a drizzle of our luscious black peppercorn sauce.


{"sku":"56-REG","label":"Regular","price":"16.99","image":"","price_type":"quantity_based","checked":"regular","checked2":"regular","option_checked":["regular","lean"],"allergens":"Milk|||Eggs","ingredients":"","ingamounts":"","ingramounts":"","ingshows":"","ingredients_desc":"Succulent sirloin meatballs, crafted from premium ground sirloin, nestled atop a velvety bed of whipped russet potato mash, and accented with vibrant green beans, steamed to crisp-tender perfection, this dish is a celebration of both taste and texture, it's finished with a drizzle of our luscious black peppercorn sauce.","calories":"700","protein":"49","carbs":"38","fat":"39","fiber":"5","sugar":"7"} {"sku":"56-LEA","label":"Lean","price":"12.99","image":"","price_type":"quantity_based","checked":"regular","checked2":"lean","option_checked":["regular","lean"],"allergens":"Milk|||Eggs","ingredients":"","ingamounts":"","ingramounts":"","ingshows":"","ingredients_desc":"Succulent sirloin meatballs, crafted from premium ground sirloin, nestled atop a velvety bed of whipped russet potato mash, and accented with vibrant green beans, steamed to crisp-tender perfection, this dish is a celebration of both taste and texture, it's finished with a drizzle of our luscious black peppercorn sauce.","calories":"430","protein":"27","carbs":"27","fat":"24","fiber":"4","sugar":"6"}

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Milk Eggs

Nutrition Facts



0g 0%


0g 0%


0g 0%


  • Calories0
  • Protein0g
  • Carbs0g
  • Fat0g
  • Sugar0g
  • Fiber0g
  • Sodium0g


Ground Beef | Russet Potato | Green Beans | Greek Yogurt | Whole Egg | Diced Onion | Vegetable Broth | Sour Cream | Heavy Cream | Grated Parmesan | Brandy | Unsalted Butter | Parsley | Black Peppercorns | Fresh Garlic | Kosher salt | Fresh Basil | Gluten Free Bread Crumbs | 1% Milk | Garlic Powder | Back pepper | Rosemary Fresh

How to prepare

microwave image

Microwave for 1-2 minutes on high, until desired temp.

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