Product Highlights


Cod Picatta

Succulent cod fillets delicately seared to perfection, dressed in a zesty piccata sauce that dances on your palate with hints of lemon and capers. Paired elegantly with al dente whole wheat spaghetti pasta, each strand coated in the richness of the sauce, and vibrant green broccoli florets adding a refreshing crunch.


{"sku":"51-REG","label":"Regular","price":"17.99","image":"","price_type":"quantity_based","checked":"regular","checked2":"regular","option_checked":["regular","lean"],"allergens":"Wheat|||Fish","ingredients":"","ingamounts":"","ingramounts":"","ingshows":"","ingredients_desc":"Succulent cod fillets delicately seared to perfection, dressed in a zesty piccata sauce that dances on your palate with hints of lemon and capers. Paired elegantly with al dente whole wheat spaghetti pasta, each strand coated in the richness of the sauce, and vibrant green broccoli florets adding a refreshing crunch.","calories":"470","protein":"60","carbs":"53","fat":"2","fiber":"8","sugar":"4"} {"sku":"51-LEA","label":"Lean","price":"13.99","image":"","price_type":"quantity_based","checked":"regular","checked2":"lean","option_checked":["regular","lean"],"allergens":"Wheat|||Fish","ingredients":"","ingamounts":"","ingramounts":"","ingshows":"","ingredients_desc":"Succulent cod fillets delicately seared to perfection, dressed in a zesty piccata sauce that dances on your palate with hints of lemon and capers. Paired elegantly with al dente whole wheat spaghetti pasta, each strand coated in the richness of the sauce, and vibrant green broccoli florets adding a refreshing crunch.","calories":"290","protein":"37","carbs":"32","fat":"1.5","fiber":"6","sugar":"4"}

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Product Highlights


Nutrition Facts



0g 0%


0g 0%


0g 0%


  • Calories0
  • Protein0g
  • Carbs0g
  • Fat0g
  • Sugar0g

How to prepare

microwave image

Cod | Chicken Broth | Broccoli | Whole Wheat Spaghetti | Shallots | Capers | Lemon Juice | Fresh Garlic | Garlic Powder | Kosher salt | Lemon zest

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