Product Highlights


Chicken Cacciatore

Seared chicken thigh slow roasted in our homemade cacciatore sauce and served over Israeli couscous and broccoli.


{"sku":"44-REG","label":"Regular","price":"13.99","image":"","price_type":"quantity_based","checked":"regular","checked2":"regular","option_checked":["regular","lean"],"allergens":"wheat","ingredients":"","ingamounts":"","ingramounts":"","ingshows":"","ingredients_desc":"Seared chicken thigh slow roasted in our homemade cacciatore sauce and served over Israeli couscous and broccoli.","calories":"510","protein":"46","carbs":"58","fat":"10","fiber":"6","sugar":"1.98"} {"sku":"44-LEA","label":"Lean","price":"10.99","image":"","price_type":"quantity_based","checked":"regular","checked2":"lean","option_checked":["regular","lean"],"allergens":"wheat","ingredients":"","ingamounts":"","ingramounts":"","ingshows":"","ingredients_desc":"Seared chicken thigh slow roasted in our homemade cacciatore sauce and served over Israeli couscous and broccoli.","calories":"310","protein":"27","carbs":"39","fat":"5","fiber":"4","sugar":"1"}

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Product Highlights


Nutrition Facts


Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs | Broccoli | Israeli Couscous | Tomatoes | White Mushrooms | Roma Tomato | Carrots |  Red Wine | Red Bell Peppers | Yellow Onion | Black Olives | Canola Oil | Tomato Paste | Fresh Garlic | Kosher Salt | Parsley | Dry Oregano | Black Pepper | Ground Sage | Dry Thyme | Chili Peppers


How to prepare

microwave image

Remove any side cups from container.
Microwave 1-2 minutes on high, until desired temp.

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